Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So for some reason when I'm at work that seems to be when I do the most thinking about life, what things need to get done for projects, around home, what I need to shop for, things about life in general. Maybe it's because it's quieter there than at home. No one is pulling at me, jumping on me (the kids use me as a gymnasium at home, not Brian jumping on me, ha....that would lead to a different post, ha), no singing on the tops of lungs, crying, you get the jist. So anyways back to the point. So as I was sitting there today and again reading different blogs (on breaks of course, haha), I was reading about different traditions different families have. I love that!! So now I'm inspired to figure out different little traditions with my family. One was seeing if there is paint or something I can get the kids to put their handprints on fabric, so when I have time or a quilting retreat where I need a project (haha, if you were to see my "stash" I have enough materials to last me to retirement and I'm only 32, plus I have material I inherited from mom, but lucky for me that's at their house yet), I can make some type of wall hanging, lap quilt, something with those squares of their prints. Oh....maybe I could get them to draw and see how that develops as they grow along with how their hand prints get bigger. My lands, I think I'm onto something!! See one thing you'll learn about me is I have many ideas, but get too overwhelmed with everyday life and the house and kids that creativeness doesn't happen, but I absolutely love reading ideas and thinking of them. So feel free to share!!! Anyways I love the idea of traditions and would love to hear what others do.

So Extra is on and Sanjia is on (American Idol contestant)...I CANNOT stand that guy!!! I hear his name and I squirm, I see him and get the heeby jeebies. He needs to not be seen just like Omarosa, who the hell is she and why do people waste their time on her!! Man-oh-man!!

So I have more I want to say, but am looking at my hubby and seeing his sleepy eyes, which are making me sleepy and need to get some card ideas picked out so I can get material together and go stamp away!!!

Have a good night and Cheers!

P.S. Something also to be warned about with me....I'm well known for interupting, I really don't mean to do it to be rude, but I can't help it when people are talking and I have a thought or question about that right then because I know if I wait until later it won't make as much sense. So anyways if at all you read these posts and notice I may leave ya hanging it's because my thoughts jump, also known as ADD :)


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